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Showing posts from 2007

Tagara -A Useful Herb For Insomnia

Tagara has an important place among medicinal herbs in Ayurveda. It is one of the herbs mentioned in all scriptures of Ayurveda. In Dhanvantri Nighantu and Bhavaprakasha its activity is cited on the central nervous system. Tagara is beneficial for the eyes, alleviates the diseases of the head, works as an anti- toxin, antiepileptic, useful in hysteria and also destroys the evil powers. This drug is very useful in the case of insomnia. Acharya Charaka has mentioned Tagara as ‘ Shitaprashamana ’ (relieves cold sensation on the skin) drug. Bhavaprakasha mentioned Tagar under ‘ Karpooradi varga ’. Description English Name - Indian Valerian Latin Name - Valeriana wallichi Family - Valerianaceae Classical Names - Tagar