G uggulu is the one of the most used and potent drug of Ayurveda , which literally means that ‘It protects body from those diseases which may otherwise decrease the strength of body’. Whole Ayurvedic science is based upon three dosas namely Vata, Pitta and Kapha in which Vata is the main causative factor of most of diseases. Total eighty specific diseases (Nanatmak Vyadhis) are caused by only Vata which are more than the specific diseases totally caused by Pitta and Kapha ( Ch. Su.20 ) and Guggulu, alone or in combination, is most potent and important drug to fight against Vata disorders. Charak and Vagbhatta also prescribed Guggulu as a most important drug for Vata vaydhi and medoroga (obesity) “Guggulurmedoanilharanam” (A. S. Su. 13) “Medoanile gugguluh” (A. H. Ut. 40) Bhavprakash described total five varieties of Guggulu i.e. Mahishaksha, Mahanila, Kumuda, Padma and Hiranya. According to him only Hiranya guggulu is beneficial for human being. Now a days two types of guggulu are...
Ayurveda is the science of Life. Acharyas have advocated the methods of living healthy for healing of the body and soul.But with the passage of time, people forgot their natural ways of living, leading to diseases linked with unhealthy lifestyles. Now, people are more aware regarding health. We can use the platform to make things easier for all to understand and to implement in daily lives. A lot of research is going on in this field regarding utility of Ayurveda in present day world.